The destruction of America signals the sign to mark the beginning of the next seven years in which time those states connected to America lose their thrones and fall.
After NYC and Wall Street and then later America are gone England, France, Germany, and several others fall to Islam and become overrun with third worlders from Africa losing their power on the world stage. This is because they are secular states and ignore the word of God. The European Union collapses and since Western European states like England, France and Germany become feminized (their "new *not toxic* masculinity") the current generation of women abort the next generation of their own offspring and sissify their males to the degree they are not able to be utilized which allows Islam and African tribalism to dominate and replace them as a culture. They commit cultural suicide.
The rest of Europe slams the door on "migrants" and thrives becoming very wealthy and peaceful. Central Eastern Europe including Turkey and the Middle East kingdoms along with Russia/China/India/Israel/Iran etc have no interest in feminizing their males so those western European states that push multiculturalism, homosexuality and feminism are slaughtered by the Muslims and Africans which strips them of their power on the world stage. This is Gods will to destroy America and these western European states. He calls them 'Babylon.'
This brings us to the current state of affairs seeing matters like "reparations" being proposed on the European continent so we need to look at that closer. The first thing we must ask is how did all those sub Saharan Africans get to the Mediterranean and sold into slavery thousands of years ago, and, how do they all get to the Mediterranean and sold into slavery today? The answer is the same in both cases. Thousands of years ago tribal rulers in Africa wanted their men to work and when they didn't sold them to the Arabs and Europeans. Today, tribal rulers want their men to work and provide military service but the men don't want to work so run to Europe where they claim they are victims of white supremacy. If this was left unabated a hundred years from now the blacks would say those Africans invading Europe are slaves and victims which we know full well is completely false. A total lie. The Arabs and Europeans ended slavery a hundred years ago but the practice is still alive and well in Africa as we speak. The blacks have sold their own people into captivity and then turn around and cry about how they are victims when they did it to themselves back then and to this day. Arabs and Europeans did nothing wrong, you have absolutely nothing to feel sorry for. The black people do this to themselves. They always have, don't let them blame you for their mistakes.
Aside from a few bad actors there are no black people in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Slovakia or Slovenia. Those nations have absolutely zero black people and in the thousands of years that black people have been wandering around the Mediterranean have contributed utterly nothing to their culture so their citizens should not be put on the hook to pay for reparations because of a few brain dead politicians in England, France, Germany and Africa.
I will add the following numbers for consideration. According to statistics there are about 3-5.5 million blacks in France, 2 million in England, about a million in Spain, 600 thousand blacks in Belgium, 500 thousand in Germany, 150 thousand in Portugal, 150 thousand in Romania and about 110 thousand in Sweden and a smidge in Ireland.
Since France and England have more than all the nations combined and are so gung ho for reparations let them foot the bill because I am sure a cost/benefit analysis will reveal blacks have cost more in welfare/social services already than they would receive in a reparations payment. Black people base their identity on what they call “blackness” and we should support their ability to be just as black as they can possibly be, in Africa. We are about light and enlightenment and while they are complaining of colonization 300 years ago and not able to dig wells or build shanties today we are planning 21st century cities and getting ready to colonize the moon, Mars and beyond. Blacks are slaughtering white farmers in South Africa as we speak and drove them out in Zimbabwe which now sees those fools starving to death because they don't know how to grow food and so wants the world to save them again because of their stupidity. In America they demand segregated graduations at Harvard and calling for a black state which we should support. When every race has their own space there is peace and prosperity among nations.
It is written the Africans must be sent back to Africa and conversely we must retrieve the white farmers in South Africa and relocate them back to Denmark. Doing so will solve the kingdom of Denmark’s issues with projected population growth and eliminate the need for third world migrants. Instead of progressively destroying society through this satanic forced migration will simply reverse the trend and damage by returning all men where they came from. It is always so much better when Africans, Europeans, Asians and everyone else visit each other based on trade, tourism and mutual respect than some hair brained political scheme to import millions of useless people and dropping them off in the center of production zones so politicians can point their fingers and wag about all that "inequality" they just created which will of course result in more laws being passed that take your rights away. Progressives call that progress. The Lord created the nations and their borders for his good pleasure and it is written forcing these cultures to forfeit their heritage and identity for nothing more than money which is as worth as much as a politicians promise is the work of the devil himself. God has a name for multiculturalism. He calls them BABYLON. The Pope and Catholic Church will be damned for pushing this satanic agenda. We should help those we can but must help them where they are and no different than Russia, China, India, Israel or the Muslim kingdoms in the Middle East maintaining their culture and identity. They don’t allow the Africans to invade and squat in their land either. Imagine a few doomed western European states telling Russia, China, India, Iran, Israel and the Muslim kingdoms in the Middle East they must take their "fair share" of African migrants? They would be the laughingstock of the world and so to must we preserve the sanctity of Europe and the LORD God of creation supports that 100 percent.
Add in that as England, France and Germany fall all the members of my church are to go to Hungary and the V4 to rebuild. We will see orderly migration take place as new communities are built up around their language and rapidly become first world contributors within their host states which eliminates the issue of having a productive class available for the next generation.
Ezekiel Magog Comet - Curse that Jesus placed on the Jews lifted
Great power in Medes
Moves to invade Israel (Michael stands up)
Moves to invade Israel
Seven thunders/ wrath of god
new jerusalem
Our Father, Jesus and Gabriel return for judgement day.
all rise
Goats on the left, sheep on the right. Moaning, weeping and gnashing of teeth. No one wants to end up here, God loves you. Enter in.